Secure Browser 10.4 - Now Available
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Secure Browser 10.4 - Now Available

Aug 17, 2018

New Secure Browsers for all operating systems are now available on the portal. These Secure Browsers can be accessed via the Secure Browsers icon found on the home page. The Secure Browser is updated on a yearly basis and will need to be downloaded for student testing during the 2018-19 school year. Last year's Secure Browser will be available through November 30. After that date, all student testing will need to be conducted using Secure Browser version 10.4.

As a reminder, student testing must be conducted using a Secure Browser noted above. A list of supported browsers for the TA Interface and all AIR systems, excluding student testing, can be found on the Supported Browsers page. The link to the Supported Browsers page can be found in the banner. 

  • Technology Coordinators